Product of the Month: Matterport 3D Showcase and Pactz Closing Gifts

Matterport rockets you to the cutting-edge of real estate marketing. With the push of a button, Matterport's automated, high-quality reality capture and distribution will wow your sellers and fascinate potential buyers with user-friendly, interactive 3D home tours. Create connections and generate buzz with the most rich and immersive way to [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:26+00:00 July 14th, 2016|Product of the Month|1 Comment

365 By Your Side: Spotlight 365

Where have we been? One year ago, your marketing team brainstormed the best way overview our many products and services offered through the Real Estate One Family of Companies. We launched 365 By Your Side, a fresh addition to your inbox, featuring a specific product, service or department that, if used, makes [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:26+00:00 July 7th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 365 By Your Side: Spotlight 365

June 2016 Market Update

Many consumers are questioning, “Where are we in our housing recovery? At the middle? End? Or are we even heading towards another bubble?” Let's take the “bubble” question first.  The potential bubble is rooted in the strength of the overall economy and housing leverage (mortgage balances getting ahead of home values). The indicators we watch for in terms of core economic [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:26+00:00 June 29th, 2016|Market Update|Comments Off on June 2016 Market Update

May 2016 Market Update

Homeowners in SE Michigan have more jobs, money, and equity in their homes than they have had in 10 years, and many who had been financially locked into homes which no longer suited their needs, are now free to move. Southeast Michigan is diversifying and stabilizing its economy with growth in construction, hospitality, financial [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:27+00:00 May 27th, 2016|Market Update|Comments Off on May 2016 Market Update

Product of the Month: 5-Year Follow-Up Seller Notifications with Continuity Programs, Inc.

Stay Fresh Well Beyond Your "Sell-By" Date A survey by National Association of Realtors shows that most of your clients will not remember your name or the brokerage you work with one year after their real estate transaction. How do you avoid becoming a statistic? Show clients you’re there with the newly [...]

By | 2017-02-09T21:35:05+00:00 May 16th, 2016|Product of the Month|Comments Off on Product of the Month: 5-Year Follow-Up Seller Notifications with Continuity Programs, Inc.

April 2016 Market Update

March finished with a nice flourish of activity with pending sales (new contracts written in March) up across all price points compared to last March. The pace of new listings entering the market was still slower than last year for properties under $250,000, putting continued pressure on already scarce For Sale inventories. Clean, well-priced homes [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:27+00:00 April 25th, 2016|Market Update|Comments Off on April 2016 Market Update

365 By Your Side:

It’s a wrap on awards season, but here at our family of companies we’re still rolling out the red carpet, and you’re the star of the show. Don’t get lost behind the scenes when buyers begin to shop for their new homes online. Instead, put your name in lights on [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:27+00:00 April 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 365 By Your Side:

365 By Your Side: OnePlace CRM

A good caddy carries your clubs. A great one improves your game. Agents who take full advantage of OnePlace’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system will tell you it’s more than just an address book. Our CRM is a caddy by your side, improving your communication game with past, present and future [...]

By | 2017-02-13T19:22:38+00:00 April 15th, 2016|365 By Your Side|Comments Off on 365 By Your Side: OnePlace CRM

Product of the Month: The Weekender

Give Timeless Tips, Get Lifelong Clients. Sign your clients up for The Weekender, our new seasonal home tips campaign. Admit it. You begin your business filled with good intentions of keeping in touch with clients after closing, but as transactions progress it’s easy [...]

By | 2017-02-09T21:37:40+00:00 April 12th, 2016|Product of the Month|Comments Off on Product of the Month: The Weekender

March 2016 Market Update

Another month of mild winter weather has helped boost both the number of homes sold, as well as the number of new listings entering the market. For the under $250,000 price ranges, the homes sales have risen faster than the new listings, causing a drop in listing inventories. For the over $250,000 markets, new [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:27+00:00 March 25th, 2016|Market Update|Comments Off on March 2016 Market Update