Yearly Archives: 2015


March 2015 Market Update

 Both January and February moved as expected, jumping up in most categories compared to last year. Buyer demand going into 2015 is stronger than last year, however, the large jump in newly written contracts (Pending Sales) is a bit deceiving. A good portion of that jump is simply the difference between a more (relatively) normal [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:35+00:00 September 24th, 2015|Market Update|Comments Off on March 2015 Market Update

February 2015 Market Update

The month of January in the Detroit metropolitan area followed the pattern we had expected with written contracts up 18% over January 2014. Much of the jump was weather-related. Last January written contracts were off 18%, so the better weather this winter (relatively speaking) brought sales back to a normal level. Compared to January [...]

By | 2016-11-01T19:56:35+00:00 September 24th, 2015|Market Update|Comments Off on February 2015 Market Update