365 By Your Side: Real Estate One Charitable Foundation

Michigan is more than our market, it’s our home. Through the Real Estate One Charitable Foundation (REOCF), you have the opportunity to gave back to the community you work in.

By volunteering your time or contributing a few dollars to a good cause, you are not only encompassing our core value of Caring, you are also directly impacting the area that surrounds your business. Plus, you get to go to bed with a full heart knowing you made a difference that day!

The REOCF has made exceptional contributions since it was founded in 2004. More than $2.3 million dollars have been raised for local charities in our state like Forgotten Harvest, Special Olympics Michigan, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, National Multiple Sclerosis Sociery, the Alzheimer’s Association among many others. 100% of our charitable foundation’s fundraising is donated to the charities AND our family of companies matches fundraising efforts and money contributions by 50%.

You can learn about all of the latest events our charitable foundation is involved with by “Liking” the REOCF Facebook page or visiting the REOCF website. If you want to know more, please contact Jennifer Essary at jessary@realestateone.com.

Participate in the Pledge Drive
You should have recently received a
Real Estate One Charitable Foundation
pledge card in the mail.
If you haven’t gotten it yet,
please go see your charity
office representative.

The REOCF Advisory Board has set
a massive fundraising goal this year.
If each person in our family of
companies donated $10/month for
one year, we could raise almost
half a million dollars
(after the company match).
Forgoing two grande lattes
per month could go a LONG way…

How to participate in
the pledge drive:

By Mail
Fill out the pledge card with the
amount you would like to donate
and drop it in the mail (or interoffice it).
Postage is already paid!

Donate at
Go to OurOnePlace.net and
click “Pledge Drive” near the top menu.
Fill out the form and click “Donate.”

The reason we all come to work (and work hard) every day is to ensure that our future is a bright one. It is a priority for our company to give you the benefits and advantages that will not only help ease your mind, but also boost your confidence about what your future holds. As a family-owned company, it’s our mission to take care of our own, that’s why we are one of the few real estate companies with programs designed to help you save, stay healthy, and even (gasp!) plan for retirement!
